Deep ocean noise:

*Implosion in the Challenger Deep: Echo sounding with the shock wave
*The depth dependence of ambient noise coherence in the Challenger Deep
*Spectral and spatial properties of wind-driven ambient noise at the bottom of the Tonga Trench
*The depth-dependence of rain noise in the Philippine Sea
*Depth dependence of wind-driven, broadband ambient noise in the Philippine Sea

Noise modelling and measurements:

*Real-time observations of the impact of COVID-19 on underwater noise
*Performance of a passive linear array in a tidal channel
*Three-dimensional ambient noise modeling in a submarine canyon
*Soundscape characterization in a dynamic acoustic environment: Grand Passage, Nova Scotia, a planned in-stream tidal energy site

Ocean technology development:

*Deep Sound: A Free-Falling Sensor Platform for Depth-Profiling Ambient Noise in the Deep Ocean
*Autonomous hovercraft for bathymetric surveying
*Single point interface roughness inferring transducer
*The Deep Acoustic Lander

Passive acoustic inversion:

*The sound of hydrothermal vents
*Quantifying the contribution of ship noise to the underwater sound field
*Estimation of the geo-acoustic properties of the New England Mud Patch from the vertical coherence of the ambient noise in the water column

Arctic acoustics:

*Real-Time acoustic observations in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
*Underwater sound levels in the Canadian Arctic, 2014–2019
*Ambient noise and underwater sound propagation in the Canadian Arctic

Underwater sound propagation & communication:

*The Effect of Directional Ambient Noise on an Underwater Acoustic Link in Shallow Environments
*The Oceanographic Sensitivity of the Acoustic Channel in Shallow Water
*Determining the dependence of marine pile driving sound levels on strike energy, pile penetration, and propagation effects using a linear mixed model based on damped cylindrical spreading
*Modeling AUV localization error in a long baseline acoustic positioning system

Sound and the marine habitat:

*Techniques for distinguishing between impulsive and non-impulsive sound in the context of regulating sound exposure for marine mammals
*Recommended metrics for quantifying underwater noise impacts on North Atlantic right whales
*Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment

Sediment acoustics

*On the shapes of natural sand grains
*Laboratory Measurements of Coarse Sediment Bedload Transport Velocity Using a Prototype Wideband Coherent Doppler Profiler (MFDop)