Sediment Acoustics

Surf and sediment generated noise on a buried hydrophone - Advocate Beach, NS

Percolation noise on a buried hydrophone during the incoming tide - Advocate Beach, NS

Deep ocean ambient noise

Ambient noise at 9000 m - Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench

Spalling of a glass sphere under great pressure - Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench

Implosion of a 15" glass sphere at ~8500 m (recorded at depth) - Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench

Implosion of a 15" glass sphere at ~8500 m (recorded at the surface) - Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench

Ambient noise at 9000 m - Serena Deep, Mariana Trench

Sitting on the bottom at 8.5 km - Tonga Trench

Rainfall noise at 5.5 km - Philippine Sea

River acoustics

River barge headed upstream - Mississippi River

Ambient noise - Mississippi River